Prep them for a different kind of photo session

Ways to help your kid have a successful home photo session. Tell them that you are going to do some of your favorite things together and have Ali come photograph you doing them. You can act like Ali isn't even here or you can show her all your favorite things and how we do xyz.

If you want them to tidy their room, make it fun!

The worst thing for an in home session is for the photographer to be the reason that your kids had to do all that dreaded cleaning! Make cleaning/tidying up a game like who can get more stuffed animals into the bin? or how many of your toys can find a home during this 5 minute timer? If we are just nagging our kids to clean up over and over, they are already going to be in an annoyed mindset.

Include them in selecting an outfit

The night before, give them parameters, like...finding something with no words and no big logos on it that you want to wear! Or...pre-select two to three of their outfits that you would be ok with and then give them a choice. Often kids do better (adults too!) with a few select choices than their entire wardrobe.

Ask them what things you do together that they want to remember when they are grown ups. Ask them what their favorite things to do all together are.

Sometimes you'd be surprised by how forward thinking kids can be. Sometimes kids will have a detailed plan and lots of ideas and other times kids will just shrug and not feel like giving input. Either way is totally fine. Just letting them know that the photo session isn't just them doing things on someone else's list the whole time will help a lot. You can share some of the ideas you have about things to do during our time together.

Prepare Yourself

Basically, if you would talk to your partner about the plan for the session, talk to your kiddo about it. Even a toddler can understand some parts and will love being a part of the process. If you do have a little little one, set out a few options for activities and let them decide and/or let them decide the flow of activities. Give lots of choices! Be ready yourself for what choices you are willing to give your kids. If you like to have a lot of control and order, prep yourself for a few different possibilities and then try your hardest to relax even if things don't go as planned. Be flexible and understand that you hired a photographer for their people skills as well as camera and editing skills is part of the deal!